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Mistlbacher Johannes - Bakery-Cafe-Confectionery (in the town center)


The parent company is located in the center of Klein-Pöchlarn and was founded in 1885 by Franz Mistlbacher. This is where the regional hiking trails to local attractions start. The bakery offers all early risers and commuters fresh bread and pastries from 5 a.m.


  • Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa 05:00 o'Clock - 08:00 o'Clock

Next open:
Mo, 17/06/2024 from 05:00 o'Clock

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Contact data of Johannes Mistlbacher
NameJohannes Mistlbacher


Contact data of Mistlbacher Johannes - Bakery-Cafe-Confectionery (in the town center)
AddressMarktplatz 3
3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Telephone+43 7413 8219

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