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Economic location

The market town of Klein-Pöchlarn recognized years ago that the most important prerequisite for a flourishing community are the businesses that have settled there.

  Klein-Pöchlarn is in the best location - economically and geographically. Mainly due to the proximity to the Danube, the Westbahn, the Westautobahn and the proximity to Pöchlarn. The federal capital Vienna can be reached in one hour, the state capital St. Pölten in half an hour and the state capital Linz in three quarters of an hour. Klein-Pöchlarn has a road bridge over the Danube and, being right on the Danube, is protected from the dangers of the Danube by permanent flood protection.


  In addition, the traffic situation in the market town was improved by the construction of the Danube bridge to Pöchlarn and the state road crossings to Artstetten and Maria Taferl also result in a relatively high volume of commuter traffic, which strengthens the local economy.

  The community has now developed some business areas. They will further strengthen the economic situation of our community. (former quarry – sports field area)

  The municipal office will be happy to help with the search for other possibilities for small and medium-sized businesses in the village to find a restaurant or property for their company.

Click here for the land and real estate currently for sale in Klein-Pöchlarn

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