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Mistlbacher Johannes - Bakery-Cafe-Confectionery (in the NVZ)

Bäckerei-Cafe-Konditorei Mistlbacher


We are open Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Open on Sundays and public holidays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.!

For closed events, we are happy to open for you in the evening!

The Cafe - Konditorei is located directly on the Danube - cycle path and at the junction (B3) that lead to the sights of Artstetten Castle or the Basilica in Maria Taferl. In a classic, modern ambience we also spoil you with our own pastries and ice cream specialties. Small snacks, as well as free W-Lan, a children's play area and a separate smoking area, make our new coffee house a meeting place for old and young. You can find more information and the current opening times at

Opening hours:

  • Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa 08:00 o'Clock - 18:00 o'Clock
  • Su 10:00 o'Clock - 18:00 o'Clock

Next open:
Tu, 18/06/2024 from 08:00 o'Clock

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Contact data of Johannes Mistlbacher
NameJohannes Mistlbacher


Contact data of Mistlbacher Johannes - Bakery-Cafe-Confectionery (in the NVZ)
AddressZur Fähre 4
3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Telephone+43 7413 82305

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