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Stahl Danny and Doreen - Original Currywurst snack bar


Original Berlin Currywurst


My name is Danny Stahl and I run the snack bar with my wife Doreen.

Curiously, we are known as Hasi and Pippi and everyone addresses us that way. This is mainly because we address each other in exactly the same way. Even a snack can be cozy and we believe that our little room is that too. It's not that easy to get something going these days, but we're a damn good team. After 23 years of marriage and 3 lovely children, life experience and family strength count.

We chose the currywurst because we come from Germany and missed the real currywurst in Austria. Therefore it is a risk. There's a nice saying that the farmer doesn't know? ......

Our currywurst is specially imported from Berlin and is known from the Currywurst Imbiss B36 in Berlin. Even the curry sauce is included.

Our menu also consists of schnitzel, cordon bleu, liver cheese, fries and much more. Everything is of course freshly prepared.

There are often weekly promotions, usually in combination with a drink.

We try to keep our prices very low and always do our best.

Of course, German humor is sometimes a bit difficult to digest, but we always have a lot of fun.

We look forward to every visit and everyone comes as a guest and leaves as a friend.

Small well as club celebrations are also possible with us in a separate room.

Products / Offers / Services

Menu includes: Currywurst (imported especially from Berlin), schnitzel, cordon bleu, liver cheese, fries and much more. Everything is of course freshly prepared.

opening hours

  • Fr, Sa 17:00 o'Clock - 22:00 o'Clock
  • Su 16:00 o'Clock - 22:00 o'Clock

Next open:
Fr, 21/06/2024 from 17:00 o'Clock

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Contact data of Danny und Doreen Stahl
NameDanny und Doreen Stahl


Contact data of Stahl Danny and Doreen - Original Currywurst snack bar
AddressKremser Straße 9
3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Telephone+43 699 81797402

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