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Weiss Ing. Johannes - WS-t@chn.ic - IT, alarm systems, video surveillance (in the NVZ)


Products / Offers / Services

IT hardware - server, PC, peripherals, software - Windows, Office, merchandise management networks - planning, cabling, installation Cloud Services - TerraCloud - your IT on the Internet - IT anytime and anywhere telephony - VoIP or conventional Internet - A1, Kabelplus, UPC and other providers web hosting alarm systems VIDEO cameras lenses monitors and video recorders video management webcams, network cameras Opening hours: afternoons by appointment


  • Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr 08:00 o'Clock - 12:30 o'Clock

Closed until:08:00 o'Clock

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Contact data of Johannes Weiß
NameJohannes Weiß


Contact data of Weiss Ing. Johannes - WS-t@chn.ic - IT, alarm systems, video surveillance (in the NVZ)
AddressZur Fähre 4
3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Telephone+43 7413 7015
Fax+43 7413 7015 20

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