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Foundation of the Klein-Pöchlarn renewable energy community is imminent

05/02/2024 18:39


In view of the sharp increase in energy costs, especially last year, the market town of Klein-Pöchlarn is planning to establish an energy community in accordance with Section 16c of the Electricity Industry and Energy Organization Act 2010 and Section 79f EAG.

In the future, the Energy Community (EC) should be able to generate, consume, store or sell energy such as electricity from renewable sources. The main purpose must not be financial profit, but rather this energy community must primarily bring ecological, economic or social benefits to its members or the areas in which it operates (in this case the municipality of Klein-Pöchlarn). Participation in an energy community is voluntary and open. The aim is, on the one hand, to supply municipal facilities with green electricity in the future, and on the other hand to provide cost-effective green electricity for private apartments and buildings, which primarily comes from energy systems in the municipal environment. And at a cheaper price than from a conventional provider.

Due to current legal regulations, energy communities must be founded within the same energy supply network.

The “Energy Community Klein-Pöchlarn”, which is to be created in the form of an association, is currently in the founding phase and is expected to become operational in the second quarter of 2024 at the latest. There are enough energy producers in the area to be able to cover the reported expected demand (which was entered online by the interested people themselves).

The community itself can particularly benefit from the EEG due to its many own consumers (school and administrative buildings, street lighting, water supply and disposal, wastewater disposal plant, etc.), as the electricity generated can be used itself. Of course, the community also wants to buy as much electricity as possible from local producers in the town of Klein-Pöchlarn.

Mayor Ing. Johannes Weiß emphasizes: “We want to contribute to the energy transition and produce and consume electricity from renewable sources. This means that municipal institutions such as the voluntary fire brigade, schools and kindergartens should be able to rely on low electricity prices and electricity production within the energy community.”

If you are still interested in participating in the energy community and have not yet registered, we ask you to contact the municipal office. We will coordinate this with the responsible supervisors at EZN NÖ.

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