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Carnival parade


Procession through the town with lab stations

with the local companies

followed by a carnival party in the ballroom.

Meeting point 1.30 p.m. Festsaal Klein-Pöchlarn

The economy, the clubs, the Village Renewal Association (carnival guild) and the market town of Klein-Pöchlarn look forward to your visit.

Faschingsumzug 2025 (1.71 MB) - .PDF

Next event
Time14:00 o'Clock
TownArtstettner Straße 7
3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Event venuesBallroom Klein-Pöchlarn

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Contact (main organizer)

Contact data of Municipality of Klein-Pöchlarn
OrganizerMunicipality of Klein-Pöchlarn
AddressArtstettner Straße 7
3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Telephone+43 7413 8300-0
Fax+43 7413 8300-20
Marktgemeinde Klein-Pöchlarn

Contact (co-organizer)

Contact data of Klein-Pöchlarn Music Association
OrganizerKlein-Pöchlarn Music Association
AddressArtstettner Straße 7
3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Telephone+43 680 3135449

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