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Events calendar

found events

28/06/2025 20:00 o'Clock Midsummer fire NibelungengauWachauer Straße
11/07/2025 17:00 o'Clock Club evening tennis clubKlein-Pöchlarn tennis court
21/07/2025 - 25/07/2025 Tennis camp Tennis clubKlein-Pöchlarn tennis court
08/08/2025 17:00 o'Clock Club evening tennis clubKlein-Pöchlarn tennis court
15/08/2025 10:30 o'Clock Fun club competitionsin the town
22/08/2025 - 23/08/2025 Tag der Blasmusik - Messe und Spiel am Petrusbrunnenin the town
23/08/2025 19:00 o'Clock Treibkultur CONCERT at the end of the summerDanube Lands
12/09/2025 17:00 o'Clock Club evening tennis clubKlein-Pöchlarn tennis court
20/09/2025 10:00 - 16:00 o'Clock Toy swap marketBallroom Klein-Pöchlarn
26/09/2025 19:00 o'Clock Club evening photo club Klein-PöchlarnVolkshaus Klein-Pöchlarn

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