Grafik| Grafik|

Deaths (deaths)



Elfriede Jelinek on 23.10.2023 deceased

The community mourns for Mrs. Elfriede Jelinek Augasse deceased on 23.10.2023 Prayer hour on 29.10.2023...



Karlheinz Seyer on 17.09.2023 deceased

The community mourns for Mr. Karlheinz Seyer Plessergasse deceased on 17.09.2023 Prayer hour on 21.09.2023...



Sarah Heinzle on 18.08.2023 deceased

The community mourns for Mrs. Sarah Heinzle Ötscherblick deceased on 18.08.2023 Prayer hour on 31.08.2023...


Danzinger Rosemarie

Rosemarie Danzinger on 07.07.2023 deceased

The community mourns for Mrs Rosemarie Danzinger Petrusstraße deceased on 07.07.2023. Prayer hour on...


©Bestattung Walbauer

Maria Cziczatka on 18.06.2023 deceased

The community mourns for Mrs Maria Cziczatka Bahnhofstraße deceased on 18.06.2023. Prayer hour on...



Josef Haslinger on 06.06.2023 deceased

The community mourns for Mr. Josef Haslinger Linzer Straße deceased on 06.06.2023 Prayer hour on 11.06.2023...


Ingeborg Maria Frank on 03.02.2023 deceased

The community mourns for Mrs Ingeborg Maria Frank Kirchenstraße deceased on 03.02.2023. Funeral on...


©Bestattung Marbach

Erwin Michel on 19.12.2022 deceased

The community mourns for Mr. Erwin Michel Panoramagasse deceased on 19.12.2022. Funeral on 23.12.2022...



Helmut Kepplinger on 17.11.2022 deceased

The community mourns for Mr. Helmut Kepplinger Via Monsano deceased on 17.11.2022. Funeral on 05.12.2022...

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