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Marek Christoph e.U. - SPAR market (in the NVZ)


Products / Offers / Services

Check out current offers at the market, where you will also receive flyers with current offers. You can also use the SPAR-Marek loyalty card option. With a purchase of at least €25 you will receive a stamp. If you have a full card, you will receive a 10% discount on your next purchase! There is also a refrigerated vending machine outside in the entrance area, which sells the most important products (milk, cheese, ham, butter, cream, snacks, drinks, etc.) outside opening hours Buying with cash or card to the customer.Christoph Marek & Team

opening hours

  • Sa 07:30 o'Clock - 17:00 o'Clock
  • Su Closed
  • Mo 06:00 o'Clock - 18:30 o'Clock
  • Tu 06:00 o'Clock - 18:30 o'Clock
  • We 06:00 o'Clock - 18:30 o'Clock
  • Th 06:00 o'Clock - 18:30 o'Clock
  • Fr 06:00 o'Clock - 18:30 o'Clock

Closed until:07:30 o'Clock

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Company owner

Contact data of Christoph Marek
NameChristoph Marek
Telephone+43 7413 82302
Address3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Augasse 1
SPAR Marek Christoph


Contact data of Marek Christoph e.U. - SPAR market (in the NVZ)
AddressAugasse 1
3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Telephone+43 7413 82302
Fax+43 7413 21425
URLHomepage des SPAR Marktes Marek

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