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official board - Archive

There is no guarantee that all announcements will also appear on the Internet.

This can have technical or organizational reasons.

Therefore, no legal claim to completeness can be derived.

Therefore, please make sure to read all announcements on the official board at the town hall.

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Official Boards
DateOfficial Bulletin BoardCategories
13/12/2022 - 30/12/2022Parteienverkehr Jahreswechselcurrent announcements of the local community
05/12/2022 - 29/01/2023Kundmachung - Festsetzung des Wahllokales, der Verbotszone und der Wahlzeitcurrent announcements of the local community
14/10/2022 - 28/10/2022Amtliche Abmeldungcurrent announcements of the local community
14/10/2022 - 28/10/2022Amtliche Abmeldungcurrent announcements of the local community
14/10/2022 - 28/10/2022Amtliche Abmeldungcurrent announcements of the local community
07/09/2022 - 10/10/2022Kundmachung - Festsetzung des Wahllokales, der Verbotszone und der Wahlzeitcurrent announcements of the local community
07/09/2022 - 10/10/2022Kundmachung - Stimmabgabe für Wahlkartenwählerinnen und Wählercurrent announcements of the local community
01/09/2022 - 16/09/2022current announcements of the local community
10/08/2022 - 16/08/2022current announcements of the local community
28/07/2022 - 05/08/2022Kundmachung - Keine Bürgermeistersprechstunden am Freitag, den 27. Juli 2022 und 5. August 2022current announcements of the local community
14/07/2022 - 09/08/2022Kundmachung - Rechtsgeschäft land- und forstwirtschaftliche Grundstückecurrent announcements of the local community
05/07/2022 - 08/07/2022Kundmachung - Keine Bürgermeistersprechstunden am Freitag, den 8. Juli 2022current announcements of the local community
01/06/2022 - 03/06/2022current announcements of the local community
31/05/2022 - 14/06/2022Amtliche Abmeldungcurrent announcements of the local community
25/05/2022 - 29/05/2022Halte- und Parkverbot am 29. Mai 2022current announcements of the local community
27/04/2022 - 29/04/2022Kundmachung - Keine Bürgermeistersprechstunden am Freitag, den 29. April 2022current announcements of the local community
13/04/2022 - 15/04/2022Kundmachung Karfreitag am Nachmittag kein Parteienverkehrcurrent announcements of the local community
04/01/2022 - 18/01/2022Kundmachung - Amtliche Abmeldungcurrent announcements of the local community
04/01/2022 - 18/01/2022Kundmachung - Amtliche Abmeldungcurrent announcements of the local community
03/01/2022 - 01/08/2022Jagdpachtauszahlung 2021current announcements of the local community

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